Advanced driver assistance system, a system to help the driver in the driving process. When designed with a safe human-machine interface, they should increase car safety and more generally road safety
Automotive safety integrity level, one of four levels to specify the item’s or element’s necessary requirements of ISO 26262 and safety measures, with D representing the most stringent and A the least stringent level
Automotive Software Process Improvement and Capability is a model framework for evaluating the R&D capabilities of software development teams in the automotive industry.
Automated Driving Domain Controller
The domain controller applied in the field of automated driving can enable the vehicle to have the capabilities of multi-sensor fusion, positioning, path planning, decision-making and controlling. Through sensor data processing and multi-sensor information fusion, as well as appropriate working models to formulate corresponding strategies, horizontal and vertical control of vehicle are planned and decided. ADAS automated driving domain controller is evolving from the past distributed system architecture to the domain centralized architecture.

Automotive Electronic
Electronic systems, such as engine management and ignition, that are used in road vehicles
Automotive Electronic Components
Components in automotive electronic system
Automotive Functional Safety
Automotive functional safety refers to the absence of unreasonable risks caused by hazards caused by E/E system failure behaviors. Functional safety focuses on realizing the functional safety of E/E systems through safety measures including safety mechanisms. For E/E systems related to functional safety, risk prevention not only needs to be carried out from the perspective of complete product development process management, but also detection measures and control measures need to be designed from the perspective of development to reduce unreasonable risks. Among them, whether the evaluation system meets the requirements of functional safety needs to be evaluated based on whether it reaches the ASIL (Automotive Safety Integrity Level) level it should achieve. Functional safety-related ASIL levels correspond to four levels: ASIL A, ASIL B, ASIL C, and ASIL D. Among them, ASIL D is the most stringent, and each functional safety-related system needs to evaluate the safety goal of the system and its ASIL level based on hazard analysis and risk assessment.
Automotive Information Security
Information security can be roughly catagorized into network security, application security and data security. In the context of automated and connected vehicles, the demand for in-vehicle connectivity and network interconnection technology has increased, and vehicle software and vehicle networks have become more and more complex. The integration of smart cars requires rapid update and deployment of mobile devices, Internet services and a variety of applications, so there are security threats from the cloud, management, and end levels, which together form a protection system for automotive information security.
Automotive Open System Architecture is a software development framework for automotive ECUs, which will be used as the basic infrastructure for managing future applications and functions in standard software modules.